This page contains a collection of interview questions specifically focused on Spring Boot. These questions cover various aspects of Spring Boot, including its features, architecture, configuration, and best practices. Use this resource to prepare for your Spring Boot interviews and enhance your understanding of this popular Java framework.

Difference between @SpringBootApplication vs @EnableAutoConfiguration

What is the default scope of bean in the Spring framework

Are Spring singleton beans thread-safe?

What is the Inversion of Control concept, how does Spring support IOC?

Difference between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext in Spring Framework

Difference between Setter vs Constructor Injection in Spring

What is the difference between Spring MVC and Spring core?

How does Spring resolve view returned by ModelAndView class?

How Dispatcher Servlet finds the correct controller?

What is the difference between @Autowired and @Inject annotation in Spring?

Difference between @RequestParam and @PathVariable in Spring MVC?